What We Do

Business Immigration

Mask Group 205

Scale-up Visa Route

The Scale-up Visa Route opened up to businesses on 22nd August 2022…

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Global Business Mobility Sponsor Licence Application

The Global Business Mobility routes are open to businesses of all sizes…

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UK Global Business Mobility Visa Senior or Specialist Worker

This visa is for senior managers and specialist employees…

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UK Global Business Mobility Visa UK Expansion Worker

The UK Global Business Mobility – UK Expansion Worker Visa is for senior managers…

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UK Global Business Mobility Visa Graduate Trainee

This visa is for overseas workers who wish to be transferred to the UK…

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UK Global Business Mobility Visa Service Supplier

This is for overseas workers who are either a contractual service supplier employed…

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UK Global Business Mobility Visa Secondment Worker

This is for overseas workers who wish to be temporarily seconded to the UK…

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The Global Talent Visa

This route is open to talented and promising applicants within the fields of science, engineering, medicine, humanities, digital technology and…

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Tier 1 (Investor)

This visa was for individuals who could make a substantial financial investment in the UK. Applicants  were required to  have access to at least £2,000,000.

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Innovator Visa

This visa is for experienced business people seeking to establish a business in UK, the business must be innovative, viable and scalable (capable of speedy growth) .

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Startup Visa

This visa is for individuals who have an innovative, scalable, business idea that they want to launch in UK.

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Entrepreneur Visa

Now closed to new applicants, this category was created for applicants who wanted to invest in new  or existing business in UK.

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Sponsorship Licence

As a UK based company currently looking to hire A non- EU migrant, your organisation would need to go through process of applying for a Tier 2 sponsor licence.

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Audit and Compliance

Tier 2 sponsorship licence holders need to comply with their obligations as set out in Home Office published guidance on Tier 2 and 5 points-based system. 

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Sponsor Licence Suspensions and Revocations

If UKVI believe that you are breaching your duties and pose a threat to immigration control, your sponsor licence may be suspended.

Personal Immigration

Mask Group 205

High Potential Individual Visa

The High Potential Individual Visa is available to recent graduates of top global universities…

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Temporary Work Religious Worker Visa

This is for persons who want to support the activities of…

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Minister of Religion (T2)

Minister of Religion is for individuals who have been sponsored to perform a mainly pastoral leading role…

Mask Group 205

Spouse or Partner Visa

If you are married to, or in a civil partnership, with someone settled in UK and you wish to stay in the country.

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Child Visa

If  you are settled or applying for settlement in the UK and have children who depend on you.

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Adult Dependant Relative Visa

If you are the adult relative of someone who is settled or applies for settlement in UK.

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Returning Resident Visa

If you were previously settled in the UK and have been away for more than two years.


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Domestic Worker Private Household Visa

Non- EEA national domestic worker in private household need to apply for visa in order to visit the UK.

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Student Visa

Non EEA nationals who wish to study in UK must apply for student visa.


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Skilled Worker Visa

If you are planning to come to the UK to work, the likelihood is that you will need a skilled worker visa.


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Also  called Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), it gives you the right to live, work, and study in UK for as long as you like.


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British Citizenship and Nationality

We understand how important it is for our clients and their families to finally settle.

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Visitor Visa

If you are a non- EEA who wishes to visit UK, on temporary basis you must apply for appropriate visitor visa. 


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Immigration Detention, Bail, Removal

If you have been detained, require bail or  are  facing removal or deportation,  we will be there to assist you. 

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Appeal and Judicial Review

It is crucial to understand the UK immigration appeal procedure and Judicial review process.


Contact us for a free initial consultation